Our highly skilled engineers has performed electrical and industrial automation engineering works. We engineered with Siemens, ABB, Beckhoff, Schneider Electric PLC products.
Our some of the core references are as following:
Our some of the core references are as following:
Bergsbyndammen, Boliden, Sweden
Part of the industrial process automation
Mining processing system, Boliden, Sweden
Part of the process automation for ventilation system
AB „Kaišiadorių paukštynas“ ( Chicken farm), Lithuania
Process control automation, HMI and of the manufacturing
UAB „TASTY FOODS“ (Foods industry), Lithuania
Process control automation, HMI and of the manufacturing
70 MW waste combined heat power plant in Biruliskes, Lithuania
Part of the process control automation and communication interfaces, HMI
AB „Kauno grūdai“ ( Grain storage and processing), Lithuania
Elevator process control automation
UAB „Kauno vandenys“ ( Water treatment), Lithuania
Process control automation and communication interfaces for the sludge processing system
UAB „Jurbarko vandenys“( Water treatment), Lithuania
Process control automation and communication interfaces, HMI for the percipators, fire and security alarm
UAB „Anykščių šiluma“ (Boiler power plant), Lithuania
Process control automation and communication interfaces for the 2,5 MW biomass boiler with economizer